28 Attraction Principles
01. Become incredibly selfish
02. Unhook yourself from the future
03. Over respond to every event
04. Build a super reserve in every area
05. Add value just for the joy of it
06. Affect others profoundly
07. Market your talents shamelessly
08. Become irresistibly attractive to yourself
09. Get a fulfilling life, not just an impressive lifestyle
10. Deliver twice what you promise
11. Create a vacuum that pulls you forward
12. Eliminate delay
13. Get your personal needs met for once and all
14. Thrive on the details
15. Tolerate nothing
16. Show others how to please you
17. Endorse your worst weaknesses
18. Sensitize yourself
19. Perfect your environment
20. Develop more character than you need
21. See how perfect the present reality is
22. Become an unconditionally constructive person
23. Orient yourself around your values
24. Simplify everything
25. Master your craft
26. Recognize and tell the truth
27. Have a vision
28. Be real, be human
The Zen of Attraction
01. Promise nothing Just do what you most enjoy
02. Sign nothing Just dow what doesn't require a signature of any kind
03. Offer nothing Just share what you have to those who express an interest
04. Expect nothing Just enjoy what you already have, it's plenty
05. Need nothing Just build up your reserves and your needs will disappear
06. Create nothing Just respond well to what comes to you
07. Seduce no one Just enjoy them
08. Adrenalize nothing Just add value and get excited about that
09. Hype nothing Just let quality sell by itself
10. Fix nothing Just heal yourself
11. Plan nothing Just take the path of least resistance
12. Learn nothing Just let your body absorb it all on your behalf
13. Become no one Just be more yourself
14. Change nothing Just tell the truth and things will change themselves
Thanks, Thomas J. Leonard, worth a shot.