It is possible that I discovered my own originality through a series of self-imposed detours
1830s Publishers' Bindings
I can never get enough of old books. I collect plenty myself and then here I am combing online archives late at night finding more to look at. Can't help myself. Selected bindings from the Rare Books & Special Collections of the University of Rochester, River Campus Libraries
YOUMA 1890
book bound in a simple untreated dress fabric. From the 1890s on, it was common for the cloth itself to be a featured aspect of the cover design, even imitated in the interior.
Songs From Vagabondia
endpaper designs from Songs From Vagabondia by Bliss Carman & Richard Hovey; designed by Thomas Buford Meteyard who was an Impressionist landscape painter who studied with Monet
Ruth Wolf-Rehfeldt
Ruth Wolf-Rehfeldt (b. 1932); German artist in the fields of Visual Poetry and Mail Art
Pieces above from her typical typewriter graphics (Typewritings) developed as Mail Art in collaboration with her husband, Robert Rehfeldt. Cannot get enough of this series found via ChertLüdde.
Archive: ice cream wrappers
what will i write here and why
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here, a new spot to share: art, design, photographs, music, thought. work and life; process and progress; things i've found, things i'd like to be able to find later; some things i'd like to remember.