It is possible that I discovered my own originality through a series of self-imposed detours
Erased de Kooning Drawing, 1953 by Robert Rauschenberg
YOUMA 1890
Lafcadio Hearn; Youma; New York: Harper & Bros., 1890 -- found via River Campus Libraries
book bound in a simple untreated dress fabric. From the 1890s on, it was common for the cloth itself to be a featured aspect of the cover design, even imitated in the interior.
Ruth Wolf-Rehfeldt
Ruth Wolf-Rehfeldt (b. 1932); German artist in the fields of Visual Poetry and Mail Art
Pieces above from her typical typewriter graphics (Typewritings) developed as Mail Art in collaboration with her husband, Robert Rehfeldt. Cannot get enough of this series found via ChertLüdde.
a public record
of exercises, ideas, experiences;
evidences of life and living in the middle west
thank you
for being here
Time is the school
In which we learn
Time is the fire
In which we burn
Delmore Schwartz
work or images here are either my own or noted otherwise